How Organizations must be Adaptable and Responsive to Changes
Actually for many organizations it’s hard for changes because in this surroundings lean to be knit groups. However it can be done in a good way and managing the responsive to change, negative or positive in any organization. Therefore it can be done in the following ways; you should be always open to your workmates or employees that is the information you keep under cover, hence it’s possible the information will go somewhere else and the reaction to the information will to be positive to change in the environment and they will sense changes took place beneath a pall of dishonesty. Therefore any changes taking place in an organizations its responsible for workers to be open to their workmates that’s there is nothing to hide from each other and things or changes might not be badly, secondly there should be a forum being set whereby there is an open space for every employee to speak or give his regards in changes taking place but also change is hard for other individual because if individual given a chance to be open they may offer their opinions and hence there may feel complains they make might be discussed on public. Therefore they should be encouraged to talk openly and being honest to their issues regarding change in the environment, thirdly there should be feedback concerning new policies that is the more they get involved to the policies the more they have a positive reaction to the change and accept the changes. Provide a questionnaire to the employees so that they may give their ideas about change and submitted in the suggestion box and this to makes the employees feel good in the process, fourthly there should be an open door policy for all employees inside the organization so that there can be a conversations concerning change. Also employees should be taught how to be attentive and have truth information lastly to keep secret between the manager and the employees. Last but not least employees should be always aware to the changes in the organization by writing to them the new guidelines and delivering to them and this will help them as a reference and have questions about the changes and also it will set a policy concerning changes in your organization (belcher 2013).
Organizational opinion on how to improve the leadership skills, promote team innovation, and build a culture to support and manage change is as follows;
- Avoiding firm landings. This to ensure that competences are maintained in an organizations
- There should be survivor circumstance.
- There should be an open communication. That is employees should be open to each other to avoid problems that may arise in the companies and this is an important change apprehension.
- Minimizing political behavior. This is whereby many employees have increased in political rather than improving on their productivity.
- There should be a literary modification that is there should be a major cultural change (letmathe 2001).